China | 中国

Development Report of China’s Art Foundations | 中国艺术基金会发展报告

This report (English and Chinese), authored by Ms. Wu Ning, Deputy Secretary-General of Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts, is the first comprehensive study of the development of art foundations in China over the last three decades.


A Case Study of Art Projects of Wu Zuoren International Foundation of Fine Arts | 站在学科的前沿,推动美术的发展——吴作人国际美术基金会艺术类项目

Chinese Only.

China Foundation Center | 基金会中心网

China Foundation Center is the world’s leading source of China foundation information for shareholders in social sector.


Introduction to Regulations of Foreign Foundations’ Activities in China| 境外外基金会在华活动法律规则简介

Chinese only.

Development Report of China’s Private Foundations (2008) | 中国非公墓基金会发展报告(2008)

Chinese only.